The genesis of intermediate and silicic magmas in deep crustal hot zones. Preeruptive magma viscosity: an important measure of magma eruptibility. A review of mechanical models of dike propagation: schools of thought, results and future directions. On the crystallinity, probability of occurrence, and rheology of lava and magma. Rheology of crystal-bearing silicate melts: an experimental-study at high viscosities. Non-Newtonian rheology of crystal-bearing magmas and implications for magma ascent dynamics.

Conditions for the arrest of a vertical propagating dyke. Long-term volumetric eruption rates and magma budgets.

Stress inversions to forecast magma pathways and eruptive vent location. Verically extensive and unstable magmatic systems: a unified view of igneous processes. Volcanic Eruptions and Their Repose, Unrest, Precursors, and Timing (The National Academies Press, 2017).Ĭashman, K. Fundamentals of Physical Volcanology (Blackwell, 2008). Volcanic eruption triggers: a hierarchical classification. Numerical modelling serves to link different observational timescales, and the inversion of data sets with physics-based statistical approaches is a promising way forward to advance our understanding of the processes controlling recurrence rate and magnitude of volcanic eruptions.Ĭañón-Tapia, E. Anticipating volcanic activity requires a multidisciplinary approach, as real-time monitoring and geophysical surveys must be combined with petrology and the eruptive history to understand the temporal evolution of volcanic systems over geological timescales. Young volcanic plumbing systems favour volcanic activity, whereas storage becomes more likely in mature volcanic systems with large reservoirs (hundreds of cubic kilometres). Magma reservoirs can feed volcanic eruptions if they contain sufficiently hot and mobile magma and are able to supply sufficient energy for the magma to reach the surface. In this Review, we discuss the processes leading up to volcanic eruptions, by following the journey of magma from crustal storage zones to the surface. Mitigation of future volcanic hazards requires adequate warning of a pending eruption, which, in turn, requires detailed understanding of the fundamental processes driving volcanic activity. More than 800 million people live in proximity to active volcanoes and could be directly impacted by potential eruptions.