Double bubble gum for sale
Double bubble gum for sale

Customers may contact our quality department at to obtain further information regarding a specific production lot. Terpenes are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and may degrade over time. It is crucial to observe product label directions and store terpenes properly to maintain product integrity. Unless otherwise stated on the label, COA, or SDS, the intended use for this product is one year from the date of purchase or listed manufacturing date. The limits in this Certificate of Analysis may not be inclusive of all compound regulations in your region. True Terpenes certifies that this product is not derived from cannabis nor does it contain any cannabinoids or other cannabis-derived extracts. Botanically derived and/or synthetic compounds found in this product may contain trace compounds which can potentially result in a slight variance between lots. This document does not relieve the purchaser from conducting their own tests in order to verify the suitability of this product for its application and to comply with all relevant legal requirements for any goods into which this product is incorporated. This Certificate of Analysis contains specifications and results provided by contract laboratories external to True Terpenes.

double bubble gum for sale

Appropriate warnings and safe handling procedures should be provided to all handlers and users of this product, taking into account the intended use and the specific conditions and factors relating to such use in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. It is the responsibility of the user to review all safety information about this product and determine its safety and suitability in their own uses, processes, and operations. The above information is based on data provided by and collected from recognized sources such as distributors, manufacturers, and technical groups and is considered to be accurate to the best of True Terpenes’ knowledge, based upon current information as of the publish date of this document. It is the sole responsibility of the individual(s) purchasing this product to assess its safety in the final application. New products could include harmful or potentially harmful compounds. Applying heat to a compound or mixture of compounds may promote new product formation by thermal degradation. True Terpenes has performed no testing on this product in e-cig/vaping applications. It should not be considered as a guarantee or quality specification. The above information relates only to this product and not to its use in combination with any other material or any particular process, and is designed only as guidance for the handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, and disposal. To date, True Terpenes has not received any evidence confirming that this product has caused any adverse health consequences. The information in this sheet was written based on knowledge and experience currently available. The user assumes all liability for loss, injury, damage or expense due to unauthorized or improper use, and True Terpenes disclaims all such liability. It is the user’s responsibility to stay current with respect to applicable laws and regulatory investigations and findings, and to ensure safe conditions for use, handling, storage and disposal of the product. True Terpenes cannot anticipate all conditions under which this information and this product, or the products of other manufacturers in combination with this product, may be used. Products made with this item should be tested to determine suitable shelf life. This product should not be used beyond its stated expiry date. Store in original container, sealed tightly, in a cool, dry place away from sunlight or heat sources. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product is not intended for use by those who are pregnant, nursing, or by those with serious health conditions including but not limited to high blood pressure and diabetes. This product has not been evaluated for safe use in e-cigarettes, or in any nicotine-containing or smoking-cessation product.

double bubble gum for sale

Discontinue use if any adverse reaction occurs. Keep this undiluted product away from children and pets.

double bubble gum for sale

Avoid contact between this undiluted product and skin, eyes, wood surfaces, and fabrics. Based on your use of this product, determine appropriate warnings and directions for your products and applications also determine safety standards and conduct testing. This product is concentrated and should not be used undiluted.

Double bubble gum for sale